3777金沙娱场城(国际)集团官网-2023App Store

聚势积淀 1996 - 2004
谋势而动 2005 - 2016
顺势腾飞 2017 - 至今
科技为先 顺天明德 科顺诞生于广东顺德,布局防水涂料制造、销售、服务相关业务。 Advance with Technology Thrive with Virtue
Keshun was born in Shunde, with the layout of waterproof coating manufacturing, sales and service related businesses.
1997年 - 2000年
布局深圳特区,成立防水工程公司,拥有行业最高施工资质。 Keshun set up waterproof engineering company at Shenzhen Special Economic Zone with the highest construction qualification in the industry.
成为深圳地铁一号线防水材料指定品牌。 Keshun was chosen as the designated brand of waterproof material for Shenzhen Metro Line 1.
参建广州雄峰城项目,成为广东地区知名品牌。 Keshun participated in the construction of Guangzhou Xiongfeng City project and became a well-known brand in Guangdong.
2001年 - 2004年
首条防水卷材生产线在顺德投产。 The first waterproof membrane pro-duction line was put into operation in Shunde.
布局分公司网络,产品销售、工程服务逐步走向全国。 Keshun set up branch companies net-work, product sales and engineering services nationwide.
2005年 - 2008年
华北基地正式投产。 The north China base was officially put into production.
助力2008北京奥运。 Keshun contributed to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
2009年 - 2010年
行业排名跃进前三。 Keshun's industry ranking leaped into top three.
当选中国建筑防水协会副会长单位。 Keshun was elected the vice president of China National Building Waterproof Association.
2011年 - 2012年
行业排名跃进前三。 Keshun's industry ranking leaped into top three.
当选中国建筑防水协会副会长单位。 Keshun was elected the vice president of China National Building Waterproof Association.
2013年 - 2014年
布局全国五大基地。 Keshun laid out five major pro-duction bases nationwide.
推出民用建材品牌。 Keshun launched civil building material brand.
成立博士后工作站。 Keshun set up a postdoctoral workstation.
优化渠道布局,发力拓展经销网点。 Keshun optimized sales channel layout and expanded distributor network.
开始推行卓越绩效管理模式。 Start to implement excellent performance management mode.
企业成立二十周年。 Keshun College was established.
央媒栏目走进科顺。 With the approval of provincial technology center, the Technical Keshun set sail.
总部大楼、研发大楼投入使用。 he headquarter building and R&D building were put into use.
上榜广东民企百强。 Keshun was listed in the Top 100 Guangdong Famous Enterprises.
成功发行A股上市 股票简称“3777金沙娱场城”
Keshun was listed in China stock market
Stock abbreviation "Keshun shares"
Stock code "300737"
2018年 - 2019年
行业首家冠名高铁并参建多个铁路项目。 Keshun became the industry's first to name a high-speed rail and participated in the con-struction of several railway projects.
与中科院士、清华教授杨万泰共建专家工作站。 Keshun built an expert workstation with Yang Wantai, a scholar of Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of Tsinghua University.
一次防水系统正式发布。 One time waterproofing system was officially released.
多年蝉联中国房地产500强开发商首选品牌。 Keshun has been the preferred brand of China's top 500 real estate developers for many years.
捐建抗疫医院,积极复工复产。 Keshun donated to build anti-epidemic hospitals, actively returnedto work and production.
企业文化全面升级,发布《科顺基本法》。 Keshun comprehensively upgraded corporate culture and issued the "Keshun Basic Law".
发布百亿战略目标。 Release of the 10 billion RMB strategic goal.
发布科顺修缮品牌。 Launch of the Keshun repair brand.
布局全国十大生产基地。 Layout of ten production bases nationwide.
渭南生产基地落成投产。 Production Base in Weinan area has been built and put into production.
北新&科顺&凯伦携手打造行业新高地。 Keshun work together with Canlon and BNBM Group to build the new platform for the industry.
携手世界500强圣戈班成立合资公司。 Keshun founded the joint venture with Saint-Gobain, a Fortune Global 500 company.
收购减隔震行业龙头丰泽股份。 Keshun Oasis Rainwater Management System was officially released.
荣获佛山市政府质量奖。 Keshun won the FoShan Government Quality Award 2021.
董事长陈伟忠荣获“安永企业家奖”。 Chen Weizhong,the Chairman of the Board and Founder of Keshun,won the EOY 2021 Award.
3777金沙娱场城发布第一个百亿目标 3777金沙娱场城将继续聚焦建筑防水相关品类,深耕渠道建设,提升智能制造,以卓越的产品和服务回报社会。秉承“与长期同行者共创共享”的核心价值观,持续奋斗,实现“延展建筑生命,守护美好生活”的伟大使命,力争早日实现营收突破百亿目标。 Keshun releases the first 10 billion RMB goal
Keshun will continue to focus on building waterproofing related categories, deepen sales channel construction, improve intelligent manufacturing, and repay the society with excellent products and services. Adhering to the core value of “Create and share with long-term counterparts”, we will keep striving to achieve the great mission of “Safeguard wonderful life with lasting buildings” as well as the goal of 10 billion RMB in revenue soon.